Muscles make up less than half of body weight. Because of their function and the mechanical stresses they are exposed to, they are the tissues that are susceptible to the development of various painful muscle syndromes easily. The most common muscle pains are fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome.
It is a syndrome of unknown cause, characterized by widespread body pain, fatigue and vulnerable spots in different locations. Symptoms such as sleep disturbance, morning stiffness, headache and psychological disorder may accompany the disease. It is a disease that adversely affects the quality of life and reduces professional performance. The main finding in fibromyalgia is widespread and chronic pain. The pain often spreads from the nape and shoulder to other parts of the body. In the morning, patients get up unrested even though they have had enough. More than half of the patients have headache in the form of tension or migraine and bowel complaints. Although they complain of pain and swelling in the joints, swelling is not seen. Although they complain of muscle weakness, numbness and tingling, no finding can be obtained. There is no laboratory and X-ray findings specific to fibromyalgia. Treatment consists of patient education, and drug and non-drug treatments. Antidepressants are the mainstay of drug therapy. The use of painkillers is limited. Physical therapy, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, cognitive behavioral therapy and ozone are commonly used non-drug treatment methods.
Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS)
Myofascial pain syndrome (MAS) is a regional painful syndrome characterized by pain and tenderness and tense band in a muscle or muscle group. It causes localized muscle pain in the shoulder, neck and lower back. It is usually seen between 30-60 years of age and decreases later. Trauma, excessive muscle tension, physical fatigue, psychological stress and genetic factors are indicated as the cause of MAS. There are trigger points and tense bands in the muscle. The pain does not only remain in the place of the trigger point and the bands with pain but may spread to more remote areas. MAS is treated with patient education, elimination of the causative factors, drugs, trigger point injection, dry needling, stretching and spray application, and physical therapy applications. Administration of ozone into the blood and injection of ozone to trigger points create generally good results.