Facial paralysis is one of the most common entrapment neuropathies. In its acute period, it causes deformities in tongue, mouth, eye and ear functions, and permanent facial asymmetry in its chronic period. Facial paralysis can result from trauma, tumor, inflammation or other causes. It is commonly existent with high blood pressure, diabetes and multiple sclerosis (MS). However, the cause of the facial paralysis cannot be determined most of the time. Facial paralysis is characterized with the asymmetry on the face, drooping of mouth, increase in eye tears, and inability to shut the eye, lift the eyebrow and whistle. Tasting sense may disappear on the front two third section of the tongue unilaterally. On that side, sounds may be sensed excessively and may sometimes develop deafness. Treatment is composed of medications, rehabilitation and surgeries. Face should be protected against air flows and cold. Treatment’s focus point is rehabilitation. So, mirror exercises are started in the very first day of the rehabilitation, and physical therapy and rehabilitation implementations are increased gradually. Medications prescribed in the first week can be beneficial. If these treatments fail, surgery can be considered.
Facial Paralysis (Peripheral Facial Paralysis)