Coccyx is the triangular bony structure located at the bottom of the vertebral column. It is composed of three to five bony segments held in place by joints and ligaments. Coccyx pain is more common for those who work by sitting constantly, fall on their buttocks, and hit on a hard surface. It is more prevalent in women. Difficult births may cause fracture or ligament segment in coccyx. Nevertheless, there is not any trauma history for about half of those who have suffered coccyx pain. It was determined that herniated disc exists in 70% of patients with coccyx pain with unknown reason.
Patients complain about pain and sensitivity in their coccyx. Pain may extend to buttocts and lower back. Pain and sensitivity increase while sitting on a hard surface. Pushing on the coccyx shows the sensitivity. Physician’s examination and experience are important in diagnosing the disease. Not only the coccyx is checked, but also low back, buttocks and hip are examined. Diagnosis is confirmed with X-Ray and MRI.
This cushion provides an "open area" in the surface that shifts the weight off the tailbone to promote healing.
Patient is recommended to sit on a circle-shaped cushion which provides an open area in the middle part, to lie on her/his side not to impose weight on coccyx, not to lift heavy things, and not to sit on a hard surface. Good results have been achieved with massage, physical therapy, cortisone and ozone injections. If the disease isn’t treated, it may become chronic and it may lead to arthritis. Therefore, patient should visit a physician and be treated as soon as possible.
If the pain cannot be relieved although all nonsurgical methods have been conducted, surgery may be the last resort. Among those who suffer from coccyx, 20% may undergo a surgical treatment. Tip of the coccyx is removed with surgery.