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Ozone Therapy

What is ozone?

Ozone (O3) is triatomic oxygen. It is the high-energy state of oxygen. It is the source of the blue color of the sky. Ozone is one of the important gases found in the stratosphere layer of the atmosphere. It acts as a protective filter against ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun and helps maintain the biological balance in the biosphere, the layer where living things live. A small amount of ozone is also produced in our bodies. In the presence of infection, the ozone produced in the white blood cells of the blood damages the bacteria.

Medical Ozone

Medical ozone is obtained from pure oxygen in medical ozone generators for medical purposes. Its unit is microgram (µg/ml), sometimes also expressed with gamma (ɣ). Medical ozone devices are generally adjusted to produce a maximum of 80-100 µg/ml ozone at a dose that will not harm the human body. Ozone is not used purely in medicine. It is applied as a mixture of ozone-oxygen (O3-O2). It is carried in a solvent; The best solvent is pure oxygen. When 100 µg/ml ozone is mentioned, only 5% of it is ozone and the remaining 95% is oxygen.

A large amount of energy is required when producing ozone from oxygen. 3O2 + 68.4 Kcal→2O3. This indicates that ozone will have high energy potential when introduced into the body.

Since it is an unstable molecule, it easily enters chemical reactions and creates an easy biological response. When it comes into contact with a liquid, it dissolves 10 times more than oxygen. Liquids in which it dissolves: Blood plasma, physiological saline, water, and oil (olive oil).

How does ozone work?

- Ozone is a biological stimulation therapy and regulates the antioxidant system. Ozone turns into H2O2, which is a biological stimulant in the organism. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is pathological in high doses and is beneficial in physiological doses, although it causes oxidative stress. This is based on the Hormesis phenomenon, which states that "An agent that is toxic at high doses can be beneficial at low doses". In other words, whether something is beneficial or harmful depends on its dose.

- Inflammation and chronic disease burden lie in multifactorial chronic complex diseases. Inflammation and chronic disease burden lead to adaptation disorder and endogenous insensitivity, while relatively exogenous sensitivity increases.

- Low doses of exogenous acute oxidative stress stimuli such as ozone are forms of therapy that re-teach the organism to the adaptive processes (hormesis phenomenon).

- It is accepted that the most effective treatment on the "antioxidant system", which is a super system, is ozone therapy. The antioxidant system is also necessary for the functioning of other systems such as the metabolic, immunological, and detoxifying systems. For this reason, ozone therapy has a wide spectrum of action, from cell regeneration to increasing oxygen saturation and preventing inflammation.

- The beneficial effects of ozone are as follows. It gives a state of vitality, youth, and health. It strengthens the immune system, increases blood circulation, renews cells, removes harmful residues in the body, kills microbes, relieves pain, has an anti-carcinogenic effect, and thus increases the quality of life.

Application doses and frequency

Ozone is used in low, medium, and high doses according to the disease and the stage of the disease.

- Low dose: It has a stimulating and activating effect.

- Medium dose: It has a regulating and restorative effect.

- High dose: It shows a suppressive and extinguishing effect.

Generally, ozone therapy is started at a low dose, gradually increasing to higher doses. The effectiveness of the treatment is followed by the patient's response and laboratory tests.

Usually, the treatment is applied twice a week. In recent years, it has been observed that better results are obtained from sequential (consecutive) treatments performed on the same day.

How is it applied?

The amount and rate of ozone in treatment are determined by the physician according to the patient's condition. The most applied ozone treatment methods are:

- Ozonation by blood. 

(a) Major (autohemotherapy) ozonation: The person's own blood is ozonated in a special set and given back. 

(b) Minor (autohemotherapy) ozonation: The patient's blood is mixed with the ozone in the injector and given to the muscle.

- Ozonated saline (SF). Ozonated isotonic serum is administered to the patient intravenously. The application of SF ozonation is easier than major autohemotherapy and its cost is lower.

- Local ozone. It is applied directly to the painful and diseased areas such as joints, muscles, and tendons.

- Insufflation. It is the delivery of ozone gas to areas such as the rectal and vaginal with special sets and hoses. Rectally administered ozone has systemic effects such as major autohemotherapy and SF ozonation.

- Bagging: The limbs such as feet and arms are put into a special bag, the mouth is closed and ozone is given.

- Ozonated oil: Ozonated oil is applied directly to the area to be treated.

Diseases Treated with Ozone

Ozone is administered alone or as a supportive treatment. As a rule, ozone is a complementary therapy. Some of the diseases that can be treated with ozone are:

- Rheumatism. rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis

- Neck and lower back pain. In neck and waist hernia.

- Fibromyalgia

- Chronic fatigue

- Diabetes

- Neurological diseases such as stroke, Parkinson, and MS

- Degenerative diseases such as amnesia and Alzheimer’s

- Wound Treatment

- Vascular diseases. Vascular occlusion, gangrene, etc.

- Lung diseases. Asthma, COPD, lung fibrosis, etc.

- Liver diseases. Hepatitis B and C etc.

- Cancer

- Aging. For antiaging, that is healthy aging.

What are the results of these diseases?

Rheumatism: Beneficial results are obtained in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and muscle rheumatism. Ozone can be given to the blood, into the joint, and painful area.

Neck and lower back pain: With ozone, 75% of improvements that prevent the recurrence of the low back pain were observed. Ozone acts by shrinking the neck and waist hernia.

Chronic fatigue: It benefits from the refreshing effect of ozone.

Diabetes (Diabetes): Blood sugar drops. Damage caused by diabetes to the eyes, blood vessels, nerves, and kidneys is prevented, and foot wounds, which are common in diabetics, can be treated.

Neurological diseases: Ozone is effective as a supportive treatment in various neurological diseases such as stroke and paralysis that develop as a result of cerebral hemorrhage and occlusion of vessels, MS (multiple sclerosis), Parkinson's, Guillain Barre Syndrome, migraine headaches.

Degenerative diseases: It gives successful results in diseases such as age-related amnesia, memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer's, diabetic retinopathy (sugar-induced visual impairment), hearing loss, and chronic tinnitus.

Wound treatment. Ozone provides rapid healing of wounds due to circulatory disorders, diabetes, trauma, infection, surgical intervention, and regeneration of tissues.

Vascular diseases. While narrowing and clogged veins are opened with ozone therapy, new veins are formed and tissues are nourished by blood. Gangrene tissues can be healed with ozone therapy. Even in those whose arms and legs are decided to amputate, there may be no need for surgery with ozone therapy or the part to be amputated may be reduced.

Lung diseases. In addition to inflammatory causes such as bronchitis, beneficial results are obtained in various lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema, COPD, and lung fibrosis.

Liver diseases. Ozone is highly curative in viral diseases that are very difficult or impossible to treat medically. Ozone is hope for all viral hepatitis, especially hepatitis B and C, the cause of which is enveloped viruses, and for helpless diseases such as AIDS and Covid-19. Ozone therapy not only slows down the course of the disease but also provides recovery in diseases that involve the liver widely or partially due to alcohol, drugs, or other factors.

Cancer: Ozone therapy is a useful complementary therapy in cancer. In addition, the side effects of chemotherapy are eliminated with ozone, and the patient's problems such as nausea, vomiting, and hair loss are either absent or very mild. The patient is given vitality and vigor.

Aging. Ozone therapy shows a healthy aging (antiaging) effect. Ozone provides regeneration of cells and gives vigor and vitality to elderly patients. Vision improves, pain decreases, and the skin is renewed and becomes brighter and smoother.

How to get better results from ozone?

- The most effective way of administration is to make systemic and local injections with SF. Thus, the effect of ozone increases synergistically and the disease heals faster; cells are renewed, diseases such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, MS, and stroke are cured, the person feels younger, vigorous, and fit.

- Although it varies according to the patient, the beneficial effect of ozone is achieved in 10-15 sessions with large and small ozonation spread over the whole body, and in 3-5 sessions with ozonation with local injection.

- In order for the effect of ozone to be continuous, ozonation should be repeated at intervals recommended by the physician. Generally, ozone therapy is started with two sessions per week. After the initial treatment is completed and well-being is achieved, maintenance therapy is started; like once a week, once a month.